Featured Events:
24/7 At-Home Library
Research & Resources
researchIT CT is the state digital reference library, providing access to hundreds of magazines, journals, newspapers and other resources through licensed databases. If researching from home, you’ll need the barcode from your Library card.
JobNow Employment Assistance provides you with practical tools to help you get a job, including career resources, a resume builder, and interview coaching.
LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator gives job seekers the most comprehensive collection of job search and career exploration tools anywhere.
Reference Solutions provides data on businesses, consumers, healthcare providers, new movers & homeowners, as well as historical business information.
VetNow provides tailored support for veterans and their families with navigating the Veterans Affairs bureaucracy, providing academic tutoring, and employment transition assistance.
September Art Exhibit:
Fred Verillo
The Essex Library will host a new exhibit in the Buel Room from September 5 to September 27 featuring photography by Fred Verillo.
Fred’s artistic focus is with light and shadows, patterns and reflections in glass, metal and water. He strives to present familiar subjects in a way not usually seen by the viewer.
The exhibit is open for public viewing during the Library’s regular hours. All works are for sale unless otherwise noted.