
The Children’s Room offers many activities, services and materials for children and parents. Library materials include: books, audio books, magazines, music, DVDs, foreign language materials, parent reference books and magazines, preschool toys and more. Family library programming includes: baby, toddler and preschool story hours, elementary age book groups, craft sessions, film showings, teen programs, family nights, parenting programs and many other special events. Ask us about our programming for homeschooling families and titles that support the Common Core Curriculum.

Youth Services Reference

We’re here to provide you with resources, activities, and links to educational extensions while your family works and plays from home. If you have questions for our youth services department about digital materials, lesson plan support, or book suggestions for readers aged 0 – 18, we’d love to hear from you. Please email Miss Nicole at

Request a Book – Or a Book List!

Many parents and teachers in the community need a list of great books from time to time. Readers’ advisory is one of our favorite tasks here at the library. We often put out generic lists, but know that there are times when you have something specific in mind. Perhaps you’re in need of a list of great resources about apples or a special holiday. Get in touch with us! We’d love to cultivate a list tailored to your reading needs, and we can pull the items or place holds on specific titles any time. Email us at or call the library at (860) 767-1560.

Celebrate Your Child with a Library Book!

Does your child love the library? Have they recently met a special milestone like learning to read, or maybe received special praise from a teacher or coach? Perhaps they’ve had a great sports season or been an excellent help around the house. However they’ve made an extra-special effort, you can celebrate them with a “commemorative” library book donation. With your help, we would love to put a new picture book or novel into our collection in their honor. For more information email Miss Nicole at or call the library at (860) 767-1560.

New Books

The following books have just been added to our collection and are certain to be popular. To place a hold, just click on the title and then on “Request/Hold” and have your Library card handy.